لا يصدق ، ولكنه الحقيقة: نيويورك يوجد متحف للفنون غير المرئية يسمى MONA (متحف الفن غير المرئي). يعرض بجدية العديد من الأعمال الفنية غير المرئية ، والتي يمكن تجربتها فقط من خلال قراءة لافتة مع وصف مباشر من الفنان الذي أنشأ "التحفة". لكن هذا ليس كل شيء. تبين أن بعض اللوحات والمنحوتات غير المرئية تم بيعها بآلاف الدولارات لمشترين حقيقيين
Unbelievable, but fact: New York there is a Museum of invisible Art
called MONA (The Museum on Non-Visible Art). It seriously displays
various invisible works of art, which
can be tried to imagine only by reading a sign with a description
directly from the artist who created a "masterpiece". But that's not
all. Turns out some invisible paintings and sculptures were sold for
thousands of dollars to real buyers
Unbelievable, but fact: New York there is a Museum of invisible Art
called MONA (The Museum on Non-Visible Art). It seriously displays
various invisible works of art, which
can be tried to imagine only by reading a sign with a description
directly from the artist who created a "masterpiece". But that's not
all. Turns out some invisible paintings and sculptures were sold for
thousands of dollars to real buyers!
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